But knowledge puffs up while love builds up1 Corinthians 8:1

We offer

Newcomer's Guide to the Bible: Themes and Timelines

Our dear readers, we would like to offer you a wonderful book that might be helpful if you seek the truth. "Newcomer's Guide to the Bible" was written to help those who want to understand the Bible and the main ideas in the Bible. The structure of the book is set forth in an easy manner so that the reader would easily understand the Bible themes and timelines. The book is also designed for those who have no clue about the Bible and nevertheless "Newcomer's Guide" will be interesting for experienced readers. The book is free and we give it as a gift. "Newcomer's Guide to the Bible" is available in Lithuanian and Russian languages. Call us: 275–69–09 or write to info@vkb.lt


Bible lesson in Lithuanian

Attention! If you want to learn Lithuanian better we can help you. We offer you a good Bible lessons in Lithuanian for English speaking people. We teach one on one and pay all attention to you therefore you will have enough time to talk, discuss and ask questions. It will be beneficial for you in any cases, you will have a good chance to improve your speaking skills and study the Bible. Call us: 275–69–09 or e-mail: info@vkb.lt



We would like to offer you to visit our study center to watch or to rent Christians movies or movies that speak about moral, love and hope. These movies will inspire you ar cause you to think about things that matters, things that have true values in this world. We have movies in English and Russian languages. You are welcome to call us or write us to find out more.